Evening y’all
Tonight’s post will be a little bit shorter for two reasons:
the writers are tired
People were mean to said writers and they are sad and don’t feel like writing a lot
Today’s song of the day: angeleyes by ABBA
The lowest gas price came in at 5.03 (we weep for the loss of gas under 5 dollars)
While the highest one clocked a pretty 6.99 (we are in tears guys…)
Aggressive signs of the day:
Is growing food a waste of water??
Tree work ahead
California state line
Uneven pavement (this was wrong, the pavement was fine)
We started this morning at like 7:32, and were out of the hotel by 8:00 (the fastest we’ve ever gotten up and in gear on this whole trip)
We did not eat breakfast this morning (kind of a lie, Jess had a pop-tart and Elena had a caffeine Cliff bar)
We packed the immortal cheese up and also everything else that goes in the cooler
We got moving
The total casino count for today was 4, but we haven’t reached Las Vegas yet so just you wait
Getting out of Carson city, we basically broke up and then back down a mountain, Elena missed the exit and so we ended up in bougie Lake Tahoe and there were too many fancy buildings
We drove for a while up another mountain, and it was slow because there was road work and one of the lanes was closed
Also, a small tangent
Why are there so many road work ahead signs, but no actual road work going on???
We have said “road work ahead” “I sure hope it does” at least 45 times today, and that's probably an underestimate
The area is really pretty otherwise, we thoroughly enjoyed the nice fresh mountain air
But we forgot one crucial element
We both have decently long hair
And alas, not putting it up was a mistake…
We hit a couple fun spots in San Francisco today (Elena had a great time, and Jess did too :))
We went to the City Lights Bookstore and Publishing Company (it was super super cool, Elena bought a tote bag and a book present for a friend, and Jess bought a t-shirt, poetry, and rock music essays)
We wandered a bit and then moved on
To another part of San Francisco
We went to Pier 39 at recommendation of super superbly delightful Nichole, and it was really fun
We got tiny doughnuts and they were DELICIOUS, and we carried a fun little bucket around full of doughnuts (for super superbly delightful Nichole, specifically)
Elena doesn’t like them
The pier was really pretty though, and there was FRUIT
Elena has desperately missed the ocean
And the Pacific ocean is just superbly wonderful
Sea salt is a nostalgic smell
We tried to go to the place where Elena’s parents got engaged because it’s a part of her life bucket list, but alas we couldn’t and she was crushed...
But we did go see the golden gate bridge and we crossed over the spot where parental units got engaged (treasure island, under the Bay Bridge)
We never ate lunch… and before you say anything, we’re middle children and we’re not functional adults (I lie, we “ate lunch” but like it was three pieces of colby cheese and an applesauce, with juice later to ward of Michael’s creepy haunted lamp)
This is the latest we have ever been driving
It is because of this hat the moon is haunted
We blame Michael’s cursed lamp
(nice buck moon though)
We, being Model United Nations (MUN) Kids, have decided that the only appropriate humor is MUN humor
We reached Bakersfield and Nichole and her husband, Tim, were super amazing and fed us dinner and honestly just made the five hour drive totally worth it in the end
stay classy
stay weird
Jess and Cece (New girl)