Hi Howdy Hey
What a fine morning this is today
Y'all - we slept until 8:00 but we felt like we went to bed at 1 cuz Chicago gifted us with an extra hour of sunlight
We stayed with super sweet Katie and Family, and heard stories about Elena's dad in high school (can confirm that it was the highlight of the evening)
Super sweet Katie made space in her fridge so we could preserve our immortal cheese, and also fed us the only real food we actually ate yesterday (Elena's first experience with Chicago pizza, t'was wild, blessed?)
We were able to fill up our water reserves and really super cool Ciandra will probably be responsible for feeding us via our danishes that she provided but who knows.
We managed to be on time this time around, but we keep no schedule and make no promises of consistency
Today we drive to Lincoln.
You ain't ever had a friend like me (or us)
Save your wishes,
Aladdin and the Genie